Unfortunately, there are players who disregard decency while playing games online. GamePoint employs a system that detects inappropriate behavior from all players and autonomically sanctions them.

This approach encourages players to positively adapt their own behavior and language. This system works as following:
  • Inappropriate behavior is automatically and immediately detected.
  • Players exhibiting inappropriate behavior are automatically warned and sanctioned.
  • Repeat offenders receive harsher sanctions.
  • The system applies to all players equally and objectively.
  • Players will see the exact text that led to the warning or sanction.
  • The system checks all public chats.
  • All public chat channels are monitored 24 hours a day.
There may be instances where a player's inappropriate chat goes undetected by our system. In these instances, we advise you to block that player by clicking on their name in chat and selecting 'Block Player'.

If the inappropriate chat consists of bullying that doesn’t necessarily contain swearing, you can still report the chat by reaching out to us. Make sure to include the name of the player involved, date & time, and room name.

You are also able to report players who send you inappropriate private messages. To do this, click on the player's name within the private message chat and select 'Report Player' from the menu option.