GamePoint Shop
Getting Started
How do I log in to GamePoint Bingo?
Stuck on the Loading Screen?
Technical Assistance
How can I convert Coins into real money?
Game Currency
How can I change my player name?
How do I install GamePoint Play?
GamePoint Play
Bonus Board
Merge Magic
Basic rules
Game Progress
What is GamePoint Casino?
What are the different modes available?
Coins, Bingo Cards, and Booklets: How Do They Enhance Your Experience?
How do I select the Bingocard value that I want to purchase?
How do I acquire more Bingo Cards?
What are Stamps and Booklets, and how do I collect them?
Where can I find my game items?
How do I change the card layout?
How do I change my email address and password?
How do I update my personal details?
Where can I see my current membership status?
How do I sign up for a VIP or SuperVIP membership?
What happens to my VIP membership when I upgrade to SuperVIP?
How can I check the expiration date of my Membership?
What is GamePoint Play?
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How can I become VIP of the Week?
What are the benefits of joining a Bingo Club?
How do I join a Bingo Club?
How do I participate in Club Missions?
How often can I purchase a promotion?
Why is my friend seeing a different promotion?
The Bingo balls are no longer being drawn!
The Bingo balls come out at the same time!
There is a slight delay when daubing the numbers on my Bingo card!
Where can I find my transactions?
How can I check my receipts?
I have not received my product, what should I do?
RNG Certificate
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